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Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away;

behold all things are become new.

II Corinthians 5:17


Image by Gaelle Marcel
Image by Gerold Hinzen
Image by Kyle Head
Hi! I'm Jewel. Nice to meet you!

I'm an 19 year old performer and artist whose passions include ballet, singing, piano, theatre, and film-making.

I started my YouTube channel and this blog for 2 reasons:


  1. To share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with as many people as I can

  2. To share my story in a way to positively impact others.



There are so many things I've learned and experienced as I've grown over the past several years. I'm glad to be able to share my progress and help motivate anyone who might be going through things we all, as humans, have to deal with. Oftentimes, it can feel like everything comes so easily to other people, or that you're just not good enough for anything or anyone. Especially as a performing artist in a field full of rejection and intense competition, when sometimes it seems like you're by yourself on the long, hard road to a fulfilling career. This is an open, loving space, where all who need a community can find a place to belong :)


In my own battles with depression, anxiety, and disordered eating, my relationship with God was key in my journey to recovery. If I can bring just one more person into the Body of Christ through sharing my story, I will consider that mission accomplished!



Part of my love for film-making included learning how to work with audio and visual media! I love experimenting and creating music projects, photo edits, and video work. To learn more or place a commission, check here: 

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