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  • Writer's pictureJewel

Monday Musing #2- Life is Work

Hello Again!

(Yeah, I know it's Wednesday, sshhhh...)

Hope you all are doing well! I'm super excited for the next few weeks of YouTube content, I've got it planned out through April, actually :) Continuing with our theme of Women's History month the next few weeks. (and I've got a super exciting podcast guest, I cannot wait for the next few months!!!)

Not really a theme to this weeks post. Just a reminder that you are enough and every day is a process. Life has its highs and lows and its ok to feel both of them, sometimes multiple times in the same day even. Be patient with yourself and recognize that it's ok to make mistakes, and it's ok to be confident. It's ok to ask questions, and it's ok to trust in yourself to make good choices. It's ok to not feel ok, and it's definitely ok to ask for help.

Find people for every mood: people to encourage you, people who understand how you're feeling, people to give you constructive advice, people who know when you just need someone to listen. And if you feel like you don't know enough people, meet some new ones. They don't even need to be a physical acquaintance, find a good, wholesome Discord group and make them your arbitrary sounding board XD

Stay safe out there guys, you're awesome

All the Love. X.


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